Chancellor for Canonical Affairs

Msgr. Dariusz J. Zielonka J.C.D.
Chancellor for Administration and Chief Operating Officer

Sister Elizabeth Anne Worley, SSJ
Office of the Chancellors consists of the Chancellor for Canonical Affairs and Chancellor for Administration. The Chancellor for Canonical Affairs processes clergy requests for faculties, approval for public speakers, issues celebret and ID Cards for clergy, and processes various canonical maters. The Chancellor for Administration and Chief Operating Officer oversees archdiocesan operations and compliance.
All marriage documentation is processed by the Miami Metropolitan Tribunal.
Archdiocese of Miami Policies
Sacramental Records
Sacramental Records and Certificates
Baptismal Certificate Release Form
Confirmation Certificate Release Form
Marriage Certificate Release Form
Clergy and Speakers
Protocol for Extern Priests Seeking to Serve in the Archdiocese of Miami
Form: Requesting Faculties for Visiting Priests
Priest's Faculties for Marriage in an Eastern Rite Parish
Form: Certificate of Aptitude (English)
Form: Certificate of Aptitude (Spanish)
Archdiocese of Miami, per policy, requires that any speaker - clergy, religious or lay - coming from outside the archdiocese be approved by the Office of the Chancellor for Canonical Affairs. No event can be publicized in the archdiocesan newspaper or website unless the speaker has received this approval. Please submit your approval request via form below. Please do so at least 14 days prior to the event - OR - if you plan to advertise the event, the approval needs to be in place before you start your advertising campaign. For help, please contact Monica Cabrera at [email protected] or at 305-762-1220.
Archdiocesan Public Speakers Approval Form
Various Policies & Resources
The ecclesiastical Province of Miami includes the Archdiocese of Miami and the Dioceses of Saint Augustine, Saint Petersburg, Orlando, Pensacola-Tallahassee, Palm Beach and Venice. The policies of the Province have been approved by the bishops of these dioceses and are part of the policies and regulations of those dioceses and their parishes.
Additional Policies of the Province of Miami
Policy on Marriage Preparation
Catholic Declaration on Life and Death
Declaración Católica Sobre la Vida y la Muerte
Planificación del Final de la Vida
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