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Young adolescents, teenagers, college students, and young adults are the Catholic Church of today and the future. They are energetic, passionate, and ready for action. They have questions, want experiences of God and are searching for a path in life. They need support and direction.
The Office of Youth & Young Adult Ministry trains, equips and supports parishes for the tremendous challenge of ministering to, with, by and for our young Catholics. The Office of Youth and Young Adult Ministry serves the 108 parishes of the Archdiocese in four primary ways:
Comprehensive youth ministry is a product of the parish, with a role for everyone in the parish. The Office of Youth and Young Adult Ministry offers the Ignite process to walk alongside a parish that is either launching or rebuilding its Youth Ministry. Want to know more about how to Ignite Youth Ministry at your parish?
There is a huge knowledge base, a large tool belt of skills, and a variety of experiences necessary for successful ministry today. Our team offers effective training opportunities, according to your needs. Here is our training calendar.
Ministry Support
We assist in Youth and Young Adult Ministry recruiting and hiring, mentoring of staff, facilitation of volunteer certification for Steubenville and other events, in addition to other support as needed.
Most programs and events can be offered at the parish but there are some that can only reach their full potential when parishes come together through the coordination of the diocesan ministries. We run many events through the year. Please visit one of the event pages to view more information about the particular event.
Catholic Youth Night at the Miami Heat
Catholic Young Adult Night at the Miami Marlins
Lay Movements for Youth
Amor en el Principio
Love at the beginning: this is a movement for youths. It is designed to help and guide teenagers in their friendships with teenagers of the opposite sex. They are taught to respect one another, to communicate in a respectful manner and to make them people of prayer. Its objective is to help teenagers to have God as the center of their relationships of friendship as well as develop knowledge and live by Catholic moral values.
Encuentros Juveniles
Encuentros Juveniles is a Youth Movement of the Archdiocese of Miami dedicated to the evangelization of the youth. Started in 1973, to promote the spiritual welfare of the Hispanic youth, Encuentros now caters to the spirituality of any young Catholic/Christian.
We call out to all the young persons in the Archdiocese of Miami from the ages of 16 to 23. When you feel that you have reached a point where you must find Christ or want to deepen your relationship with him, we invite you to our movement.
We are called to build the Civilization of Love. "How?" you may ask yourselves, by the evangelization of the Gospel of Jesus Christ. We attend weekly formation meetings, monthly service projects, and retreats every few months; all geared at the goal of creating Christian leaders for our workforce, schools, families, parishes, and communities. We are not a youth group, but a YOUTH MOVEMENT.
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