A Record of the Deaths of the Priests who have served the Archdiocese of Miami
Archbishop's Prayer
O Lord, to whom no one is a stranger and from whose help no one is ever distant, look with compassion on all your people and especially refugees and exiles, on segregated persons and on lost children; restore them we pray to a homeland, and give us a kind heart for the needy and for strangers.
Continue to guide us as you have shown your Church the joys and hopes, the grief's and anxieties of the followers of Christ through the Vatican Council which we now renew with hope. May the venerable intercession of Blessed Mary ever-Virgin manifest in Our Lady of Charity, come to our aid, O Lord, and free us from every danger, so that we may rejoice in your peace.
For your priests and bishops, open to them the gates of Paradise, that they may return to that homeland where there is no death, where eternal joy endures.
Through our Lord Jesus Christ, your Son, who lives and reigns with you in the unity of the Holy Spirit, one God, for ever and ever. Amen.
Thomas Gerard Wenski
Fourth Archbishop of Miami
Necrology of 2024
CLICK HERE or on the image below to download the priest´s necrology.