The Metropolitan Tribunal handles those issues relating to marriage, i.e., dispensations and annulments, as well as providing advocates to assist those going through the annulment process.
The Metropolitan Tribunal has an ongoing program at St. Thomas University to train future advocates to assist those in need in all matters concerning the application and practice of Canon Law in a Declaration of Nullity.
The Judicial Vicar is the Presiding Judge of the Metropolitan Tribunal of Court of Law, and is assisted in case management and judicial processes by the judges, advocates, notaries, and other professionals of the court.
The Judicial Vicar is a consultant to the Archbishop and coordinates all aspects of Archdiocesan Administration and services which are concerned with the application and practice of canon law throughout the Archdiocese of Miami.
Second Instance Tribunal
The Tribunal of Second Instance is the appellate tribunal of the Archdiocese of Miami serving the Dioceses of the Ecclesiastical Province of Miami which include: The Diocese of St. Augustine, the Diocese of St. Petersburg, the Diocese of Orlando, the Diocese of Pensacola-Tallahassee, the Diocese of Palm Beach, and the Diocese of Venice.
Appeals made in cases which have been adjudicated by the ordinary tribunals of First Instance in the Dioceses of the Province of Miami are ordinarily brought before the Tribunal of Second Instance of the Archdiocese of Miami and are heard by a college of judges. Appeals may also be made to the Roman Rota.
The Tribunal of Second Instance for the hearing appeals of cases resolved on the First Instance Tribunal of the Archdiocese of Miami is Pittsburgh, Pennsylvania.